HEY! Long time no see. My bad. I suppose it doesn't need to be pointed out that my enthusiasm for blogging is dwindling. Meh. But I'm getting yelled at by Kim pretty regularly and I'm determined to not portray myself as fickle as I know I truly am, so I'm back... with a vengeance. Look forward to multiple entries on a weekly basis!!! Time is literally flying. Well not literally, but you know. Today we had our "Goodbye Party" for the all the foreign kids at school. We got certificates and everything. It was so official. It was really quite sad though. I was just getting settled in.
The past weeks have been unbelievable. That's really the only world I can come up with. Everything I see and feel and love, that is all pretty tough to put in words. The weather has been (for the most part) a perfect 20 Degrees. Celcius that is. Got to love that metric system. Perfect beach weather. It would be a shame to let that go to waste. I think of all you boys back at home each time I walk around looking for my place in the sand. You would love you some lovely french beaches because in France, only bottoms are necessary. And only bottoms are worn.
So we sunbathe all day and our bodies overheat and so we think we can buck up and brave the Mediterranean, but its still just shy of swimmable so we go back and enjoy a few mores hours of sun; maybe cocktails and dinner follow. It's a hard life. Somebody's got to live it.
We went sailing a couple weeks ago, which was absolutely AMAZING. Of course we thought we were going to die, but whatevs. It was focing awesome.

Life is going to be like a slap in the face once we all get back. A straight beating actually. I don't even know what school is. I get pissed if they make me do anything here. Papers? Projects? Homework? We've actually been getting some recently...I don't even understand...Totally cramping my style.
In other news, I'm staying a bit longer than expected. May 12th has turned into May 28th!!
Oh and about March. It was wayyyyyy fun. Full of everyone and everything I adore. Especially this adorable little man.

I'm off to Amsterdam on Thursday. Be back Monday. Report back then.
Peace in babies.
1 comment:
i want to go to your favorite favorite nightspot with you now now now. but someday will do.
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