Since my last post, my travels have closely resembled those of Miss Luong's. Friday a few of us braved what was quite possibly the scariest bus ride of our lives to the small medieval village of Eze for no real reason at all. What happens here is you just plan to meet at the train staions or bus depot and just get on see where it takes you. After a rather lengthy and awkward encounter with the bus driver we discovered we were in for a real treat. Eze was home to an amazing medieval fort and also "Les Jardins Exotiques." I had heard about these gardens in passing and how they are just absolutely beautiful and the plants are amazing and whatnot. The gardens were in fact, absolutely beautiful. But exotic? Meh. The only plants I saw were cacti. I come from the desert, you know? I was more impressed with the sculptures. Absolutely brilliant. The view (as always) was magical.
Saturday we spend the day living the high life in Monaco. Bus driver said to me in very broken English, "Monaco is bling bling!" How could we resist? With the weather on our side, we hurried there the very next morning. We visited the original Monte Carlo casino and enjoyed the real deal while the one across the ocean was aflame.
We also saw La Musee de l'Oceanographie which is pretty self explanatory, but it was extremely gnarly and probably one of the coolest things I've ever seen in my life. So cool in fact, that it was under the direction of Jacques Cousteau for like 20 years!
Other than that, busyness as usual. Hope all is wonderful.
ahhh lovely pictures!!!
i want to come visitttt
ahhhh i can see you unimpressed with cacti. what was that one in lancaster that i was obsessed with? i still am obsessed with it. and everytime i go to fresno i see signs to lancaster and i want to swerve on to those freeways but you wouldnt be there. i love your photographs! especially the aquarium one.
Ahhh! How much did you love Eze Village? I think that might've been my favorite thing that I did while in Nice. It looks like you had a great time in Monaco, and I wish I had gone with you, because we never made it to the Monte Carlo and all its fabulousness. I am definitely coming to visit you in Antibes, and I can't wait to have the pro show me around this time.
PS. You win because you have pictures. No one wants to read long blog posts with no pictures. You're doing it the right way ;)
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